Author Archives: Flavy Anson - Page 9
Meditate on God’s Word
Usually when we buy a product, it comes with a user guide or user manual. It provides us instructions on how to use the product, the capabilities of the device,…
Image of God
We look in the mirror to see the reflection of ourselves. When God wants to see His image, He does not look in the mirror, He looks at you and…
Apart from God We can do Nothing
Our journey in life begins with nothing and then ends with nothing. We brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it (1 Tim 6:7,…
Pray for Peace
One of my favourite prayers is the Peace Prayer of St Francis of Assisi. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there…
Come Holy Spirit
This is a very precious month; this year we have Pentecost Sunday in May. Our Blessed Mother Mary is the Queen of May, and the feast day of St Joseph,…
St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
Pope Francis has proclaimed the year 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021 as the year of St Joseph. We do not hear much about St Joseph, however, God chose…
Fullness of Joy
Do you struggle to be joyful always? Especially, when things go wrong, or if you are anxious about something? Most people are joyful when everything turns out to be perfect.…
O Magnify the Lord with me
One evening, I was walking with my friend. She is gentle, patient and very brilliant. I complemented her on some of her qualities. She knew my compliments were genuine, and…
Pray for One Another
Saint Maximilian Kolbe was greatly devoted to Mother Mary. At the age of 12, he had a vision. In that vision, St Maximilian asked the Mother of God what would…
Advent an Urgent Appeal
Advent is a joyful season of preparation for spiritual renewal. Advent is a celebration for the first coming of Jesus and it is also a season preparing for the second…