Author Archives: Flavy Anson - Page 8
Save the Planet, Save your Soul
Some scientists believe that we are living in an era that is at the brink of extinction. Their hypothesis is validated by the loss of biodiversity that is caused by…
Why Everyone Must Choose to be Pro-Life
Have you ever wondered the difference between pro-life and pro-choice? Despite the strong contentious debates from both sides, the real difference is simple. It is a difference between life and…
Be Imitators of Jesus Christ
What if the bird tried to swim and the fish tried to fly (except for exceptions such as the pursuit diver birds and the flying fish)? The bird will drown,…
Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia, Rejoice Evermore
Easter is the greatest and the most important celebration in the church’s liturgical year, as the season of Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It symbolises…
True Contrition
In the Catholic tradition, during Lent, we aim at returning to God, by doing some forms of prayer, penance, mortification, and almsgiving. Many people offer sacrifices, such as giving up…
Walk by Faith and not by Sight
In the movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, in the scene ‘Leap of Faith’, Indiana’s last hope to save his dad, is to drink of the water from the…
The Power of Praying Novenas
A man goes to a Benedictine and asks him if he will pray a novena for his prayer intention. The Benedictine says that he will pray a novena for his…
Prepare to Receive Jesus Christ
Our journey of faith is a constant preparation to receive Jesus Christ every day, and to receive Him when He comes again. The season of Advent is a season of…
Souls in Purgatory
November is the month for the remembrance of the souls of the deceased. The Octave of all Saints is celebrated from 1st November to 8th November. During these 8 days,…
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Each year, the month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The feast of Our Lady of The Rosary is celebrate on October 7. At Fatima, Our Lady,…