Archives for Wisdom
Christmas Reminds us of the Parousia
At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Christmas also reminds us of the Parousia, which is the second coming of Christ. Christmas is not…
Illumination of Conscience
St Paul, in chapter 5 to the Romans, states that when sin increased, grace increased even more. In our generation, we know that sin has increased, however, we can also…
Our Purpose: To Know and Love God
Where there is no prophecy, the people cast off restraint, but happy are those who keep the law (Proverbs 29:18, NRSV). Some other translations of the Bible state that where…
God’s Blessings is for Everyone
We may have a preconceived notion that blessings are only for the righteous. To receive a blessing, one must prove worthy to be blessed. These biases can prevent us from…
A Fine-Tuned Universe
How did everything come into existence? Faith gives us the answer to our question. Faith is a gift from God. It is by faith we know all that we know,…
Consecration to the Holy Spirit
We believe in One God, in Three Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Since the beginning of creation, God revealed Himself as the…
If heaven sends you a message, would you listen? If God’s sends His Own Mother to deliver the message, would you listen? I earnestly pray that you do, because it…
Walk by Faith and not by Sight
In the movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, in the scene ‘Leap of Faith’, Indiana’s last hope to save his dad, is to drink of the water from the…
Meditate on God’s Word
Usually when we buy a product, it comes with a user guide or user manual. It provides us instructions on how to use the product, the capabilities of the device,…
Image of God
We look in the mirror to see the reflection of ourselves. When God wants to see His image, He does not look in the mirror, He looks at you and…