Archives for Eternity - Page 4
Are you Fruitful?
This is the story of Leon, who likes keeping himself busy: Leon is very hard-working. As a student, his friends called him a book worm. He was the top performer…
Persevering in Trials
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John…
Holiness: Set Apart for God
During lent we prepare ourselves for Easter by praying, fasting, alms-giving, repenting and observing good conduct. Christians strive to live in holiness during lent, however, sadly for most believers the…
Abiding in Christ
The amazing journey of life begins in a mother’s womb. Expectant parents monitor the growth and development of their baby on a weekly basis. At week five, the baby’s heart…
The Most Precious Gift
It is that time of the year, when you shop for presents, thinking hard how you can make an impression on those you love, and then on Christmas morning, unwrapping…
Attitude of Gratitude
In life, we will always have something to gripe about. As humans, we tend to incline more towards the negative, instead of focusing on the positive. For instance, someone compliments…
The End is the Beginning
What if there was a place where there was no suffering, no pain, no grief, no tears and no death. A place where there was no conflict, no hatred, no…
Resilience the Necessity for Life
The certainty of life is that it always changes. We live in a fallen world where at times we face the inevitable. There are things that happen which one may…
True Purpose in Life
Purpose is the essence of life, it directs us in the course of our journey through life. A life without any purpose is like being lost at sea or lost…
Are you a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ
Some people are soldiers, but most are civilians. Some people are saved, while most are lost. A civilian becomes a soldier when he is enlisted in the army. A person…