Archives for Eternity - Page 3
Suffering Leads to Eternity
“I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven and the name of that river was suffering, and I saw a boat which…
Jesus’ Infinite Mercy
The first time I heard the chaplet of the Divine Mercy, it was over the radio. The chanting filled my heart with divine love for God, and it drew me…
Humility Leads to Eternity
St Augustine stated that “Humility is the foundation of all virtues”. If Agape (the love of God) is the building block on which we are built, then surely humility is…
The Pure in Heart will See God
If your heart is pure, you will find God. If your heart is corrupted, the devil will find you. We all have a quest within us to search for God,…
The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Life is in the blood. Every time you donate blood to someone, you save a person’s life. A successful blood transfusion requires a donor and a recipient that has compatible…
An Acceptable Offering
Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a tiller of the ground. In the course of time Cain brought to…
The Word of God is Eternal
Have you ever wondered, if there is anything in this world that will last for eternity? We know that one day this earth will be extinct. This world we live…
Mission: God’s Eternal Work on Earth
100 years ago, mission was about Christian going overseas to preach the gospel and evangelise others, especially non-believers. These days, wherever you are, there is a need for mission. We…
Door to Eternity
Eternity is time with no end. It goes on forever into perpetuity. Eternal life is immortal life. We do not age, we don’t fall ill, decay or die. Eternity is…
If Christian theology is summarised in just one word, that one precious word is ‘Agape’. This one word mesmerises humanity, changes lives, turns enemies into friends, bonds God and mankind…