Archives for Eternity - Page 2
A Fine-Tuned Universe
How did everything come into existence? Faith gives us the answer to our question. Faith is a gift from God. It is by faith we know all that we know,…
Overcoming Consumerism
The last words of Steve Jobs the founder and CEO of Apple has inspired many. He states these memorial words. “I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world.…
Divine Mercy
There are three paths to eternity. The easy way, the difficult way, and the impossible way. If you had to choose one of the ways, which way would you choose?…
If heaven sends you a message, would you listen? If God’s sends His Own Mother to deliver the message, would you listen? I earnestly pray that you do, because it…
Meditate on God’s Word
Usually when we buy a product, it comes with a user guide or user manual. It provides us instructions on how to use the product, the capabilities of the device,…
Image of God
We look in the mirror to see the reflection of ourselves. When God wants to see His image, He does not look in the mirror, He looks at you and…
Apart from God We can do Nothing
Our journey in life begins with nothing and then ends with nothing. We brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it (1 Tim 6:7,…
O Magnify the Lord with me
One evening, I was walking with my friend. She is gentle, patient and very brilliant. I complemented her on some of her qualities. She knew my compliments were genuine, and…
God will Make all Things New
A Church signboard states, “Can we reinstall 2020, this version has a virus”. Sadly, some things in life are irreversible. They just become part of history, such as; hundreds of…
Live Again
Planet Earth groans with pain as it is currently invaded by microscopic aliens known as ‘coronavirus’. As this virus spread across nations, there are numerous casualties. The elders and those…