Archives for Abundant Living - Page 3
Candlemas is the feast of the presentation of Jesus Christ in the temple. It is celebrated 40 days from the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is on…
The Best Resolution You Can Make: Repent and Sin No More
We all have an intrinsic yearning within us to reach for the transcendence. This yearning always prompts us to do good and be better. When we incline to the promptings…
Souls in Purgatory: Remembering Those Who are Forgotten
The month of November is dedicated to the souls in purgatory. These are the souls of the faithful who have died and are detained in purgatory, to make atonement for…
If heaven sends you a message, would you listen? If God’s sends His Own Mother to deliver the message, would you listen? I earnestly pray that you do, because it…
The Lord is King; He is Robed in Majesty
It is unfathomable to even imagine the glory of God. We know of ancient kingly attire, with all its grandeur, however, there is nothing in this world, no monarchy, who…
Save the Planet, Save your Soul
Some scientists believe that we are living in an era that is at the brink of extinction. Their hypothesis is validated by the loss of biodiversity that is caused by…
Why Everyone Must Choose to be Pro-Life
Have you ever wondered the difference between pro-life and pro-choice? Despite the strong contentious debates from both sides, the real difference is simple. It is a difference between life and…
Be Imitators of Jesus Christ
What if the bird tried to swim and the fish tried to fly (except for exceptions such as the pursuit diver birds and the flying fish)? The bird will drown,…
Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia, Rejoice Evermore
Easter is the greatest and the most important celebration in the church’s liturgical year, as the season of Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It symbolises…
True Contrition
In the Catholic tradition, during Lent, we aim at returning to God, by doing some forms of prayer, penance, mortification, and almsgiving. Many people offer sacrifices, such as giving up…