Author Archives: Flavy Anson - Page 21
Beware of Cults and False Teachers
We all have an innate and intrinsic desire to worship God. The enemy, the devil, uses this desire by manipulating the minds of some people into getting them to worship…
Kindness that Leads to Eternity
Kindness is what we all desire to receive but most don’t want to give. Kindness comes gift wrapped in different sizes, shapes and colours. Sometimes kindness can be a smile,…
Developing Character through Patience
In these times of instant gratification, little does anyone think of patience. This is a virtue many think they don’t need. The main reason why many don’t want to exercise…
Know God, Know Peace
Most people would describe peace as a freedom from disturbances, a time when there’s no war, or the stillness that follows a storm. The truth is that most people would…
Why Every Christian Ought to be an Intercessor
INTERCESSORS NEEDED Qualification No qualification, education or experience needed. Only a heart that is filled with love for others and ready to carry their burden, and plead to God on…
Developing Self-Control
The Oxford dictionary defined self-control as the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions and desires, especially in difficult situations. For a Christian, self-control is not the ability to…
How to be a Person After God’s Own Heart
What does it mean to be a person after God’s own heart? A person after God’s own heart is one that seeks to glorify God and to fulfil God’s will…
Rejoice Now and Forever
There’s a quest in every person’s heart to be happy and to remain happy. They pursue their happiness in what they desire, knowing that it would bring them happiness. Happiness…
Homeopathy is a New Age
What is new about New Age? Nothing, except that the devil comes up with new ways of marketing himself and the kingdom of darkness, new ways of deception, a new…
Children are an Inheritance from The Lord
Parents normally pass on their inheritance to their children in the form of possessions, property and wealth. The inheritance we receive from our Heavenly Father are His own children, which…