Author Archives: Flavy Anson - Page 10
Hunger Pandemic
We finally can set our hopes on high with a promising COVID-19 vaccine in the pipeline. However, for millions, the pandemic has created a crisis that no vaccine can save.…
Saints on Training Wheels
Saints are ordinary people, who loved God extraordinarily. Most saints had distinctive superpowers, which were noticeable, such as their gifts of healing, prophecy, levitation, bi-location, stigmata, invulnerability to persecutions and…
God will Make all Things New
A Church signboard states, “Can we reinstall 2020, this version has a virus”. Sadly, some things in life are irreversible. They just become part of history, such as; hundreds of…
This too shall Pass
A Church signpost reads, “This too shall pass, it may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.” The good thing about anything bad is that it too shall…
Live Again
Planet Earth groans with pain as it is currently invaded by microscopic aliens known as ‘coronavirus’. As this virus spread across nations, there are numerous casualties. The elders and those…
Suffering Leads to Eternity
“I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven and the name of that river was suffering, and I saw a boat which…
Mary, Mother of God, Our Mother
Catholics dedicate the month of May in devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. Mother Mary is not just the Mother of God, she is our Mother also. Jesus, before…
Jesus’ Infinite Mercy
The first time I heard the chaplet of the Divine Mercy, it was over the radio. The chanting filled my heart with divine love for God, and it drew me…
Hope for the Hopeless
At this moment in time, it’s easy to become faint-hearted, hopeless, insecure and dread what may come to pass. However, these are the moments you need to be strong, courageous,…
The Sacrament of Matrimony
A Sunday school teacher was teaching her 5-year-old kinder students the creation story, how God created everything including humans. She explained to her class that God created Eve out of…