The notable quote from St Francis of Assisi is, “Preach the gospel always and if necessary, use words”. We are often inclined to preach the gospel with words, which is not as effective as preaching the gospel by the way we live our life. Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us all to preach the gospel. The best way to preach the gospel is by diligently following and obeying the word of God. We must always practice before we preach. A life filled with virtues displays the gospel in action.

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching (2 Timothy 4:2). If we do not share the gospel with others, many people will perish. However, if we preach, some may be saved. Even if you lead one person to Christ, you have saved one soul, who will be in heaven, who, otherwise, would have been lost for eternity. Pray and ask God to help you live a life worthy of the gospel and give you the wisdom to live and speak in a way that glorifies God.

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