If all the suffering of all peoples, from the beginning of creation to the end of the world, was compiled to be endured by one person, it would be humanly impossible to bear such a great suffering. When we sin, we incur a penalty, and that penalty is death. Death, not just in our natural body, but eternal death. The penalty also brings all kinds of suffering. No human person could pay the penalty of sin because all have sinned and are condemned to death. Therefore, God became a man, so that He could pay the penalty of sin, with His life. Jesus Christ is our only Saviour and Redeemer; a single drop of His blood could have redeemed us all. However, He shed every drop of it, showing His great love for us. The greatest exchange is Jesus Christ taking our sin and giving us eternal life in return. He embraced death on the cross so that we can embrace life for eternity.

Jesus Christ died for all and has redeemed every person. However, not all are saved as we need to accept God’s salvation with our free will. When we repent of our sins and confess it in the sacrament of reconciliation, God forgives us all our sins; however, we need to make atonement of our sins in this life or in purgatory. Very few souls are pure that can directly enter heaven. Most people go through purgatory after death, for purification, as no stain of sin can enter heaven. Purgatory is like hell. However, it is temporary. The final destination from purgatory is heaven, whereas those souls who have rejected Jesus Christ and have unrepentant mortal sins have chosen to suffer in hell for eternity.

Jesus Christ has given us an example to follow by His life, death, and resurrection. He has asked us to imitate Him and carry our cross and be partakers in redemptive suffering. The souls in purgatory go through intense suffering. St Faustina, in her diary, talks about another great exchange we can endure on earth for the souls in purgatory. The sufferings that the souls in purgatory endure, are longing for God and sorrow for their sins. We can pray to God and offer our sufferings in exchange for the sufferings of the souls in purgatory. Our sufferings relieve them, and their sufferings are transferred to us, and they are then released from purgatory and enter heaven. For instance, if we suffer an illness, we can offer it for the souls in purgatory, and in return we receive the longing for God and sorrow for our sins, which helps us undergo our purgatory on earth.

The Church dedicates the month of November for the poor souls in purgatory. Let us be generous in our sacrifice, prayer, and suffering, and offer it for the souls in purgatory. The souls, once released from purgatory, become saints in heaven, and they will repay you for your generosity and unceasingly intercede for you in heaven, for the sanctification of your soul.

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