We all have an intrinsic yearning within us to reach for the transcendence. This yearning always prompts us to do good and be better. When we incline to the promptings of our conscience, we discover our Creator, Who created us in His image and likeness, to become like Him. In Catholic spirituality, we are aware that our sins separate us from God, Who is all good. For us to be in union with God, we must repent, make amends, and then, resolve not to sin again.

During Advent, we prepare ourselves, through repentance, and make resolutions to do good. The start of a new year also yearns us to be good, give up bad habits, and resolve to build good habits. Many people are not successful in their resolutions because they make two major mistakes. The first is they focus on the temporal and the second is they have an exhaustive list of resolutions, which they can never accomplish.

To make successful resolutions, that impacts not only this life but benefits you for eternity, make your resolution a spiritual one, which addresses your soul and not just your body. To make your resolution achievable avoid the extensive list and keep it simple. Make two or three resolutions, that covers everything else.

Jesus came to simplify the law and His commandments were simple. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… and love your neighbour as yourself” (Mt 22:37-38, NRSV), and He says this covers all the laws and the prophets (22:40).

Jesus also makes the implementation process easy. He states, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mt 11:29:30, NRSV).

In the farming process, a yoke is tied around two oxen. When you take the yoke of the Lord, you are on one side of the yoke and Jesus is carrying the yoke on the other side. Therefore, it is the Lord who will lead you, it is the Lord who carries part of the burden. When we are obedient to God, God provides us His grace to do according to His will.

The major step to achieve spiritual excellence is to REPENT, AMEND, and RESOLVE.

REPENT of all your sins, mortal as well as venial sins. If you are not aware of what constitutes a mortal sin, you can find the list of mortal sins online. Especially, go and confess all your mortal sins because mortal sins separates us from God. If you die with unconfessed and unrepented mortal sins, you are condemned to hell for eternity.

AMEND and offer penances and sacrifices for the atonement of all your sins. These sacrifices can be prayers, fasting, almsgivings, and works of charity.

RESOLVE, it is not just enough to repent and amend but also make a resolution not to sin again. If you do sin, repent again, make amends, and resolve not to sin.

Discipline yourself to initially getting rid of every mortal sin, then work towards getting rid of your venial sins. Examine your progress as you accomplish your goals in your spiritual journey. Take care of your soul and you will gain eternal life in Jesus Christ.

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