There are numerous miracles that have happened through the devotion of the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Many of those miracles pertain to the incorrupt scapulars of the saints, after their death. Six hundred years after the death of Pope St Gregory X, when his grave was exhumed, his scapular was found to be incorrupt. St Alphonsus De Liguori and St John Bosco had special devotions to our Lady of Mount Carmel and wore the Brown Scapular. Years later, when their graves were exhumed, their Brown Scapular were found to be incorrupt too.

Another miracle of the Brown Scapular was of a ship which was saved from a hurricane, in the ocean. As the wind and sea mercilessly lashed the ship, a protestant minister, Mr Fisher, together with his wife and children and other passengers, struggled to the deck to pray for mercy and forgiveness. Among the crew was a young Irishman, John McAuliffe. On seeing the urgency of the situation, the young man took off his Brown Scapular and, after making the Sign of the Cross, tossed the Brown Scapular over the raging waves in the ocean. At that very moment, the wind calmed. Only one more wave washed on the deck, bringing with it the Brown Scapular, which came to rest at McAuliffe’s feet. All the while Mr Fisher had been carefully observing McAuliffe’s actions and the miraculous effect of those actions. Upon questioning the young man, they were told about the Holy Virgin and Her Brown Scapular. Mr Fisher and his family were so impressed that they were determined to enter the Catholic Church as soon as possible, and thereby, receive the same protection of Our Lady’s Brown Scapular

God, through the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, has given us the Brown Scapular as a garment of grace, protection, and salvation. When God created us, it was all good, until sin separated us from all the goodness of God. Sin brought suffering and death. Everything that we suffer in this life is a result of our sins. The more sins we commit, the more we will suffer. To save us from our adversities, God provided us the grace to repent, to make amends, and to live a holy life. The Brown Scapular is a sacramental, and it offers us sanctifying and actual graces. Our lives are filled with tribulation, war, pandemic, natural disasters, and evils of all forms.

The Brown Scapular was given by Our Lady of Mount Carmel to Simon Stock, with a promise, “It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace. Whoever dies clothed in this Scapular will not suffer eternal fire.”

The saints constantly remind us how our lives are very frail, and our death very uncertain. Therefore, it is imperative, we live our lives pleasing to God, and humbly receive all the graces He gives us generously every day, because without the grace of God, we cannot prevail in this treacherous life.

At Fatima, Our Lady appealed to all people to consecrate themselves to Her Immaculate Heart. In this request, She asked us to pray the rosary, do penance, and wear Her Brown Scapular. Wearing the Brown Scapular is the sign of consecration to Her Immaculate Heart. In always wearing the Brown Scapular, we make silent petition for the Blessed Mother’s continual intercession.

There is a procedure and prayer required to be enrolled into the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular. The Brown Scapular promise is only for those who are enrolled in the family of Carmel. The enrolment is easy and must be done only once. Once enrolled, you are consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, live a life worthy of the gospel, free from sin, leading a life of prayer, faith, and devotion. Wear the Brown Scapular with honour and reverence, as it is a sacramental, and by kissing the Brown Scapular reverently you receive a partial indulgence.

There are many souls who converted and were saved through the Brown Scapular devotion. If you are not wearing the Brown Scapular, you are missing out on the graces and constant intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Trust in the Mother of God and She will lead you to trust in Her Son, Jesus Christ. If you are living and struggling in sin, trust in Our Lady of Mount Carmel and wear a Brown Scapular, and She will intercede for you and help you to live a holy life. She will lead you to Jesus and to eternal life with Him.

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