If heaven sends you a message, would you listen? If God’s sends His Own Mother to deliver the message, would you listen? I earnestly pray that you do, because it is a very important message. Generations have gone by who did not have the same graces, privileges, and mercy we have today. We are living in a very crucial era, where we will experience great things happening globally. Our Lady, the Queen of Heaven, has appeared in different places, with her messages. One of her apparitions is from a humble village in Spain called Garabandal.
The Vatican, in relation to the apparitions at Garabandal, has neutral judgement. This apparition is not a dogma of faith, believers are free to believe it or not. Our belief in apparitions are determined by our level of faith. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, the truth unfolds in our being, and we cannot deny that which is true. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta stated that she felt the apparitions at Garabandal were authentic, right from the beginning. This is an example of how the Holy Spirit works in agreement and reveals to us that which is from God. Our greatest hindrance is sin, it keeps us away from all that is from God.
It is through faith we believe, and it is through our faith we proclaim. The message of Garabandal is for the benefit of all, living in the present moment. The gift of faith is not just for our personal benefit, and therefore, it is imperative to share the message with others, so that all who hear it, can receive the grace from our Blessed Mother, and may believe and be saved. The prophesies of Garabandal are yet to unfold and in the light of the magnitude of the message, this is something greater than all the apparitions of the past, including Lourdes and Fatima.
The central idea of the message is a call for repentance, a call to amend our ways, to partake in the sacraments, make penance, and meditate on the passion of Jesus Christ.
The first message was given on October 18, 1961, as follows:
“We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.”
The second message was given on June 18, 1965, as follows:
“As my Message of the 18th of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over… Ever less importance is being given to the Holy Eucharist. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with a sincere heart, He will pardon you. I, your Mother… wish to tell you that you should make amends. You are now being given the last warnings. I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation. Ask Us sincerely and We shall grant your plea… Reflect on the Passion of Jesus”.
Through these messages we can experience the love of God for us, that He is reaching out to us, and wants us to turn away from sin and turn towards Him, for He is full of mercy and grace. Sin putrefies our soul, it makes us ugly as hell, however, the mercy of God cleanses us, and purifies us and prepares us for heaven. If you are walking towards heaven and you see others walking towards hell, would you not, out of charity in your heart, at least alert them of the impending dangers? Our Lady came to Garabandal, to alert us of the impending dangers. If the Queen of Heaven can come to us with great humility, we too need to imitate her great humility and must pray, make reparation for sins, and share the message of grace with others.
Our Blessed Mother, at Garabandal, has given a sequence of events, that will unfold before the occurrence of a great miracle. The first will be the tribulation, a time of great trial. The second will be the warning, this will be in a form of a mystical/supernatural experience, which is called the illumination of the conscience. It will be a world-wide phenomenon, which will be seen in the sky and then transferred interiorly. All will know that it is coming from God. It will help us see ourselves as God see us. It will reveal to us, all our sins and the pains our sins have caused. This will lead to repentance, conversion, and purification.
Then will come the great miracle, which will occur in the village of Garabandal, at a grove of pine trees (the Pines), overlooking the village. Visionary Conchita will announce the date of the miracle, eight days before it happens. It will take place between the eighth and the sixteenth of the month of March, April, or May. It will be on a Thursday, at 8.30 pm. It will coincide with an ecclesiastical event in the Church. It will be on the feast day of a young, martyred saint of the Eucharist, who is not well known. It will last for 15 minutes. On that day, the sick, present at Garabandal, will be cured and the unbelievers converted. A permanent sign will be placed on the Pines. This will be the greatest miracle God has ever performed. It will also be the last sign of His public manifestation. St Padre Pio has seen the miracle and he has stated that people will believe in the miracle when it will be too late. After the miracle, if mankind still does not obey the message, a great chastisement will follow. We need to believe now, not when it is too late, so that we can make reparation for sin, because the chastisement will be unbearable.
The bible also alerts us in a similar fashion, with its call for repentance and penance, asking us to be alert and ready for the hour when all these things are about to happen. We need to pray, repent, and be prepared. The Holy Spirit is moving mightily in our midst, and we cannot ignore all that is about to unfold. All the messages are for our benefit, so that when they happen, those who believe may be strengthen in their faith, and all those who do not believe may come to believe.