Each year, the month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The feast of Our Lady of The Rosary is celebrate on October 7. At Fatima, Our Lady, revealed herself to the three shepherd children as, “I am the Lady of the Rosary. Continue always to pray the Rosary every day.” Her message is the same for us today, to pray the Rosary every day. Praying the Rosary is very efficacious and powerful because it is based on the sacred scriptures and the mysteries on the life, the death, the resurrection, and the ascensions of Jesus. It is a Christ centred prayer.  It is a prayer which brings us closer to Jesus, and the most Holy Trinity.

The role of Mary is to be our Mother. Imagine, a baby without a mother; do you think the baby will survive? Maybe, if someone provides the basic survival needs for the baby. Will the baby thrive? I doubt it. However, a baby with a tenderly motherly care will certainly thrive, compared to the one without a mother. Jesus gave us His own Mother to be our Mother, in this earthly life, because life, without a Mother, can be tough. Mother Mary is not any ordinary mother, like our earthly mother. She is a Mother, who is blessed amongst all women. She is the Immaculate Conception, conceived without sin. She is the Queen of angels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, all saints, of peace, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Queen assumed into Heaven. Her glories are sung for all eternity. Every creature calls Her blessed, and She is our Mother. Our Blessed Mother is filled with grace, and provides graces for us, to fulfil God’s purpose, and live a life that will lead us to eternity.

Devotion of our Blessed Mother and praying the Rosary everyday helps us through our pilgrimage on earth, to reach our eternal destiny in heaven. Any person, with devotion to our Blessed Mother, will never be lost, as She is our Mother, who perpetually intercedes for us. The Rosary is a repetitive prayer: it’s a prayer of humility, the prayer of the lowly, the unintelligent, those with child-like faith. Isn’t it awesome, you don’t have to be a great theologian to be saved? God’s grace reaches to the simple, the ignorant, those who simply ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Mary is not our saviour, only Jesus Christ is. However, She leads us to Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Are you too proud to have the Blessed Mary as your Mother, or too intelligent to pray the rosary? Just as life, without a mother, is tough for an infant, life, in general, without the Blessed Mother, is much tougher indeed. She saves us from all heresies. Those without the Blessed Mother, as their guide, have inflicted themselves with many false doctrines, and have gone astray from the Church. Without the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary, one is an easy prey in the hands of the devil. Devotion of our Blessed Mary and praying the Rosary every day brings us many graces and blessings, including deliverance, from the fires of hell and purgatory.

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