A Church signboard states, “Can we reinstall 2020, this version has a virus”. Sadly, some things in life are irreversible. They just become part of history, such as; hundreds of long-finned pilot whales stranded and dead, Beirut port explosion, COVID-19, the extinction of some flora and fauna, climate change. These incidences grieve us and make us feel helpless. However, God is with us in these moments and with God, all things are possible.

We live with the hope that God will make all things new again. In (Isaiah 65:17, NewRSV) God says, “For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind”. God is our creator and He continuously creates new things for us. Although, we may find that our planet is fading and will eventually become unsustainable, however, God is busy and He is making new things, as we are discovering that our universe is continuously expanding.

God is closer to us than we realise, and He reveals Himself to those who seek Him. God also shows Himself through signs, wonders and miracles. God’s presence is constant, if we seek Him, we will find Him. Recently, in the Beirut port explosion, the Church altar in a Greek Orthodox Church was unharmed from the blast. St Dimitrios Church is less than a kilometre away from the scene of the blast. The oil lamp, the holy chalice, the holy bible, sacred relics, the glass were not even moved by the explosion that caused devastation to areas around the same radius. The video of the Church’s altar in Beirut, brings hope and testifies of God’s awesome presence in the midst of disaster (Galer, 2020).

Yes, we need prayers, lots of prayers. If you are a sceptic or an atheist or someone who only believes if you see it with your eyes, I hope the above video convinces you that God is real, and He is with us amidst disasters, He is closer than you realise, and He is waiting for you to have faith and believe.

We can’t reverse or reinstall events in life. However, we can hang on to God and He will lead us through life, comforting and strengthening us along the way. God works miracles every day. I have seen God’s miracle working power in my life. I proclaim the Gospel because I believe in Jesus Christ. God is a miracle worker; He makes all things new.


Division of Christian Education of the NCCC in the USA. (1998). The Holy Bible, new revised standard version. London: Harper Collins Publishers.

Galer, S. (2020). Beirut explosion: video of church altar’s survival brings hope. Retrieved  from, https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-53696936.

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