Live Again
Planet Earth groans with pain as it is currently invaded by microscopic aliens known as ‘coronavirus’. As this virus spread across nations, there are numerous casualties. The elders and those with chronic conditions are mostly susceptible. Scientist all over the world are working tirelessly to combat this virus. However, until then, preventive measures are taken in place to slow the spread of this virus.
As Christians, we can develop spiritual immunity against everything that’s evil. See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you (Lk10:19, NewRSV). God gives this power to everyone who walks very closely with Jesus, such as His disciples and those who work for His Kingdom.
We also know that death is inevitable. Life one day comes to an end, may be due to a viral infection or something else. However, God promises us that if we believe in Him and live in Him, He will raise us back to live and we will live again. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (Jh 11:25-26).
I was lately consoling someone who was overly anxious. I asked her to explain to me the one thought that was tormenting her, and she said that she was afraid of the thought of dying. In order to comfort her and change her perspective to see the reality of the situation, I asked her some more questions. I asked her if she was afraid the day she was born, and she replied, “Probably not. I was just a newborn. I don’t remember”. Then I asked if she is afraid every night when she falls asleep, and she said, “No, why would I be afraid of falling asleep?” I said to her, “Exactly, you were not afraid the day you were born because you don’t remember. Similarly, the moment of your death, you will not remember, and therefore there is no pain associated with it.” I then further explained, that when a baby is born, it undergoes tremendous pain and so does the mother. However, the baby’s memory is not formed yet and therefore, does not remember the pain. Likewise, we don’t remember the moment we fall asleep because our subconscious mind takes over. I said to her that she is not afraid of falling asleep because she knows with certainty that she will wake up the next day. Dying is just like falling asleep, the only difference is that you don’t wake up in this life.
As humans, we are afraid of what we don’t know and what we don’t understand. However, if we knew and if we understood then we would look at things differently. The way we must look at life and death is through God’s sovereign will. It is God who decides when we are born and when we die, not a microscopic virus or anything else. Instead of being overly concerned about death, we must be cautious of every moment we live, because we are accountable to God on how we live our life on earth. Therefore, we need to live a life of repentance, penance, mortification and holiness.
How we live our life will determine where we spend our eternity, and that is what we need to work out with fear and be afraid of displeasing God. When our life gives glory to God then there is nothing to be afraid of in this life. As for death, it probably will be a glorious moment as St Paul says, For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phil 1:21).