Catholics dedicate the month of May in devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. Mother Mary is not just the Mother of God, she is our Mother also. Jesus, before His death on the cross, gave us His Mother to be our Mother. Our Blessed Mother is God’s precious gift to mankind. She is tender and sweet, beautiful and adorable. It’s an awe to be in her presence. Words fall short to describe her tenderness and love. The very thought of her, fills the atmosphere with grace. What a privilege, honour and glory, it is for us that we, unworthy people, can call her our Mother! 

She is the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. The heart of Jesus is connected with the heart of His Mother. Therefore, intercessions to Mary are very powerful. When Mother Mary intercedes to Jesus, she carries our pleas to Her Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Mother Mary is our spiritual Mother and therefore, she watches over us, prays for us and through her intercession, leads us into the path of righteousness.

The most powerful devotion to Mary is praying the rosary and meditating on the profound mysteries of the Gospel, surrounding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary draws us closer to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as she did in her earthly life. Mary was the closest person to Jesus from the moment of His conception. She is His first disciple, who also led the other disciples to welcome the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost, as she was already overshadowed by the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you (Lk 1:35). Mary is espoused to the Holy Spirit and she works in partnership with the Holy Spirit, interceding for the sanctifications of souls.

Mother Mary guides our ways on our journey of life and leads us into eternity. She is therefore also called the ‘Gate of Heaven’. Through her willingness to be the handmaid of the Lord, she gave birth to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Through Him we receive our Salvation. Mary was docile to the Holy Spirit and teaches us humility and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Mary pondered the works of God in her heart, she meditated on them. We too are called to meditate on the word of God and obey them. As we continue in our devotion to Mary, following her examples, receiving graces from the Holy Spirit, we will one day rejoice with the Queen of Heaven and all the saints, in heaven for eternity.

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