100 years ago, mission was about Christian going overseas to preach the gospel and evangelise others, especially non-believers. These days, wherever you are, there is a need for mission. We are surrounded by people who are lost, those who have gone astray, people who need a Saviour, people who are hurt, those that need healing, deliverance, counselling, renewal etc. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:37-38 RSV).

Christian mission is about spreading the message and teachings of Jesus Christ. Mission is God’s eternal work on earth and we are called to be partners with God in His mission. As Pope Francis states, we are called “to go forth”. Mission is not a pursuit for a selected few, but it is a call for all Christians to proclaim the word of God.

Mission is not human efforts, it is God working through humans. Mission is accomplished only when it is directed by the Holy Spirit. What happens when you are in partnership with someone, but you fail to do your part? The work is not done, right? Are you doing your part?

We need to pursue in God’s mission by proclaiming the word of God, because we love God and we care about the salvation of mankind. We also need to bear witness to what we believe. It’s not just enough to proclaim the word of God, we must obey and live the word of God too. Christianity is about a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is us partaking in His life, death and resurrection.

An encounter with Jesus Christ totally transforms a person. That transformation leads the person to live a spirit filled life. This is what happened to the disciples after the resurrection of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. This is what happens to us today, where we can say, it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2: 20 NewRSV).

Evangelisation is proclaiming and witnessing to the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is sharing and passing on our faith in Christ to others, so that they could also become part of the family. However, we need to respect the decision of others. We can get a horse to the water, but we cannot make the horse drink the water. Mission is not based on coercing others to believe, for coercion does not work. You cannot make people love Jesus Christ. It is a supernatural gift from God, which happens only when a person opens their heart and wilfully accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Our part is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If people believe and receive Jesus Christ, we rejoice with them. If they reject the message of salvation, we respect their decision, we let it go and move on.

A person cannot be a genuine Christian if he is not partaking in the mission of Jesus Christ. There are Christians who have given God their everything, and that’s because God has first given us His everything. The greater the love, the greater is the giving. Do you love God enough that God’s mission becomes your mission? Would you care to bear witness to what you believe? Would you care to get out of your comfort zone and share the gospel with others? Would you reach out to those that are lost, hurt and broken?

Then God’s mission needs you.

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