A man once asked God, “How much is a million years to you?”, and God answered, “A million years is like a second to me.” Then the man asked God, “How much is a million dollars to you?”, and God answered, “A million dollars is equal to a penny for me.” The man then asked God to give him a penny and God replied, “Wait a second.”

We all have our own experience of waiting, and some of us cope better than others. The times when we were waiting for the school bell to ring, waiting to grow up, waiting to graduate, waiting to get married, waiting to move into your new house, waiting for the birth of your child, waiting for your connecting flight, waiting to be served, waiting in traffic, waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for the job offer, waiting in the doctor’s office, waiting for your results and most of all, waiting on God.

We spend most of our life waiting for something and once that something has come through, we will be waiting for something else, and life goes on. Waiting at times can feel tiresome, and it can easily lead to frustration. When frustration has lingered long enough, you will find yourself in a state of despair. At this point, most people feel helpless and hopeless, this is when they give up.

It is not God’s will that we journey through life feeling tiresome, frustrated and in despair. God wants us to be joyful, hopeful and secure as we journey through life and this promise is assured in Isaiah 40:31, They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

This does not mean that everything you are waiting for will come through, but it means that if you trust in the Lord, and wait for God to work in your life, He will look after you and give you the strength to go on, despite your circumstances and drawbacks. 

Waiting may seem like a waste of time and resources; however, it is during this time of waiting that God develops your character. He allows you to grow in patience, endurance, steadfastness, gratitude, fortitude, resilience, wisdom and much more. You will find a trend of destruction amongst child celebrities. They rise to fame and wealth very swiftly, and before you know, they are in and out of rehab. The higher they rise the greater their fall and that’s because whatever success they achieved so quickly in life, they did not have enough time to develop a character in them to hold on to that success.

God allows us to wait because at times we are not ready for what He is about to give us. At times, He makes us wait because what we want is not according to His will for our lives. God loves us and He will not hold us from anything that is good for us. So, when things don’t happen as we would like them to be then, it’s either not the right time or it’s not the right thing.

Waiting on God requires us to trust Him, more that our own understanding. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3: 5-6 ESV).

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