People fear all sorts of things. Some fear dying, some fear living, some fear flying, some fear drowning, some fear darkness while others fear lightning. Fear can cause severe anxiety and depending on the heart-condition, a person can even die of heart-attack due to fear. Fear does no good but only causes harm. However, there is only one fear that we must have, one fear that is appropriate, one fear that is beneficial to us, and that is the ‘Reverential fear of the Lord’. We need to get rid of all the other fears because we intentionally or unintentionally worship whatever we fear. We bow down to whatever we fear. God is the only one that is all powerful and worthy of all praise and worship.

When we fear anything, we acknowledge it is greater than us and only God has that place in our life. Nothing and nobody deserves to be worshiped or feared. Fear is Satan’s weapon of destruction. Satan has no power over believers and so he uses fear to take power from us. “Behold, I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you.’’ (Luke 10:19). God has given us power over our enemy and nothing can harm us. When we fear, we open the door for the enemy to come in. Fear is transferring our power to the enemy.

Fear immobilises its victim just like a poisonous snake first immobilises its victim with its venom before eating it. How can you fight your enemy if you are completely immobilised by fear? “The thief comes only in order to kill, steal and destroy…” (John 10:10). That is the agenda of the devil and he accomplishes it through fear.

Whatever you do, never give into fear, because that is like handing over your power to the enemy. That is giving up your fight and surrendering to the enemy. We know that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed we can move mountains but if you have little fear the mountain can crush us. Faith is the exact opposite of fear.

We overcome fear with love and faith, the two most powerful antidotes of fear. Fear is thinking negatively about your scenario. Faith on the other hand, is trusting God and thinking positively about your scenario. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrew 11:1).

???????To have faith one must develop trust in God and be aware of God’s love for them. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18). We fear because we expect punishment, torment, pain or distress of some sort. When we put our hope and trust in God we expect love, mercy, grace, protection and blessings.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7). When we are saturated with love and faith, there is no place for fear to dwell in our lives. The enemy is always at work and so whenever fear shows up, we have to respond to it with love and faith. Faith and love builds our confidence, and with this power the enemy cannot defeat us.

We are already at war with the devil. Like it or not, you are already standing on battle ground. You are equipped with power, armour and everything you need to be victorious. All you have to do is fight the battle. Faith is your shield that will protect you from the fiery darts of the enemy. You have to stand firm in faith. If you give into fear, you are vulnerable, you have no shield and you have no protection.

What you meditate on is what will come to pass. If you fear anything, in due time your fear is what will come to pass. You must put your trust and faith in God and walk in love and then what you hope for and believe in will happen. You are the master of your own ship and the creator of your own destiny. Your life is the output of what you believe, what you choose.

God is pleased with those who walk in faith and love, because without faith we cannot please God, and without love we cannot accomplish anything. God despises those who fear, because that is exactly opposite to the nature of God, and the very nature He created you to be. God considers those who are fearful the same as unbelievers, the abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars who await eternal death.

Don’t allow fear to creep in your life, be alert and careful at what you watch, listen, speak and most importantly what you think. Avoid watching and listening to programs that make you fearful. Don’t speak and think fearfully, but meditate on God’s word and love. There is nothing to fear because, “you are born of God and the evil one cannot touch you.” (1 John 5:18).

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